воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

body shock channel four

Once again another hair style alert, and it looks like Lindsay opted for a strawberry� blonde hue Folks, you already know it is the season for celebrities to break free from their dark tresses. So that means be prepared to see a flurry of newly bleached hairstyle in the next few months. God knows that I surely adore Lindsay, but she should have just opted to keep the brunette do or maybe even auburn.....it brings out her beautiful green eyes Not to mention she looks like she actually has some pigment in her skin with a darker hair color.

claiming land in scotland, body shock channel four, body shock channel 4, body shock c4, body shock.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

contributing alcohol to minors

I have nothing noteworthy to report at the time being. Working seven days a week is exhausting, but certainly not miserable or anything. Iapos;m greatefull for the people I work with and for.

But I could do without the sunburn. In October. When it was cloudy all day. And Iapos;m going to have to dose up on sudaphed tonight so that I donapos;t wake up with an unbearable headache from all the dust I inhaled today. Seriously, when you can see it in the air and draw on surfaces you just dusted ten minutes ago, that is Too Much Dust.

And now itapos;s time for some stupid TV before I pass out.

deutsche industriebank, contributing alcohol to minors, contributing authors, contributing cause, contributing convicted delinquency doctor minor.

cat not pooping

Iapos;d done all of the calligraphy (and there was A LOT), all of the sketching for the illumination, and most of the painting. I was probably about 95 done. And I found my own requisite error in the text: I blazoned the device as "per chevron sable and argent" instead of "per chevron sable and vert".


So, I drew a red line through "argent", wrote "vert" in the space between the illumination and the text, and did my best (which is not very good) at drawing a little pointing hand. Iapos;ve never tried scraping ink off perg, and itapos;s something Iapos;m very leery of trying, and even if I had, "argent" takes up more space than "vert" and so the inter-word spacing wouldapos;ve been off and I think it wouldapos;ve looked worse than what Iapos;ve ended up with.

Iapos;ll see if I can boot Joel off the computer so that I can scan in the final product (itapos;s a back-log scroll, so no secrecy here) and post pictures here later.

But, frustrating. :(
cat not pooping, cat not pooping in litter box, cat not urinating, cat not using litter.

die angst des tormanns beim elfmeter

I am sitting in the office, doing doc review and waiting to find out if I have to work all weekend. There were urgent calls going out today about another doc review thatapos;s super urgent (I swear, everything here is always so urgent) and would require work this weekend and the assignment coordinator told everyone he would get back to them but we havenapos;t heard anything yet. I had plans to go to Six Flags tomorrow. Iapos;m going to be really annoyed if an email goes out at 10pm tonight telling us to show up at 9am tomorrow.
die angst des tormanns beim elfmeter, die angst des tormanns, die angst, die angefahrenen schulkinder.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

batteria medion per portatile

Okee... My router died so I have no internet connection at home until I receive the replacement. I am off work today and Monday so I wonapos;t be able to do anything online until I get back to work or receive the router, whichever comes first.

I am available via email through my phone but that would be slow going as Iapos;ll be busy this weekend. But if anything, pls email me.

To those I write with, apologies. I canapos;t tag GoogleDocs by phone so those tags would have to wait or email is an option. I can cut and paste tags back in the doc later when I get back online. For those I play with in the panfandom (if you happen to peek here), I will try and rep much as I can. Itapos;s hard to switch journals via phone.

Gah Iapos;m in withdrawal already :P :P

Have a great weekend everyone <3 <3

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cilento holiday village

Made it through another week without shooting anyone or breaking anything. Result.

Possible shooting targets for next week include the EMA people who apparently approved Lilyapos;s award back on August 22nd, yet still havent sent her the paperwork so she can claim the money. You know that big bail out the government has been doing recently, where dapos;ya think the money has come from?

Last weekend I went to Slimbridge on the bus and took pictures. This weekend I have several pal letters to write to go with said pictures which arrived handily today. I have a bottle of beer in the fridge and dinner from MS as a reward to me for A) getting through another week and B) getting to the end of the month and having a little bit of dosh left.

Lily arrives on the 25th.
cilento holiday village, cilento holiday italy, cilento ferienwohnungen, cilento ferien in kampanien.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

belvoir castle england

Trying to call customer service means pressing a whole lot of numbers and in the end I got confused and didnapos;t even know what number to press. You think it was so simple; just follow what the voice in the phone says Well it wasnapos;t that simple and I learned the hard way. :(
I hate automated phone service. Youapos;d think with the unemployment out there, theyapos;d start employing people to operate phones so at least thereapos;s someone to account for things when something goes wrong.

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place today, but I find myself siding one party more because I get annoyed too.
Bitchy is mean but bitchy is right you know? Yes.
And I totally meant what I said just now, Renu agrees. :)

OK PW is calling.

belvoir castle england, belvoir castle events, belvoir castle grantham, belvoir castle leicestershire.